Blog #3

2. Review your initial visit experience. Measure your experience (1) Ease of use - 7/10 (2) User Goals - 3/10 (3) Joy of Use - 3/10 (4) Meaningfulness - 1/10 3. Upload your Heuristic Evaluation Your blog post #3 (1) Overall Navigation From the start, the entire setting was confusing. What is the reasoning of the specific location (forest). As a person who is used to playing games, it was easy to understand the structure of the interaction and how the use the program. However, limitations within the games made the action boring and meaningless. (2) Atmosphere Cartoonistic gaming experience allows users to access the game with ease and do feel a boundary against learning how to interact within the application. (3) Functions It took a while to understand what I was suppose to do. The keys seem similar to the other First Person games but no details regarding ...